Monday, July 2, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Stay Tuned!!!
Just Junque is revamping EVERYTHING!
All new ART, BLOG and YOUTUBE Vids!!
Hang on boys and girls - It's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Random Coupon Update
So I have been posting about my thriftyness as of late. I have an open desire to be that insane lady in front of you in the grocery that gets $300 worth of groceries for $5. A pain in the ass for you, I am sure - I know that person is a pain in the ass for me - but oh well. My mission is to save as much money as possible and to be able to help myself, my family, friends and community as much as possible.
Today, with husband and baby in tow, armed with internet coupons, some store coupons and a couple of sales fliers I began my mission. Starting off small, not thinking I would get *amazing* results, but good results we headed to CVS to pick up some needed items.
**Note - I KNOW I am not saving money if I am buying things that I do not need - so my mission is to stick to paying for the needed items and get the luxuries for freebies (or next to nothing)**
Around the store we go, shopping list in hand, putting things in the cart - giving monkey things to hold, Ken keeping the coupons of things we have added to the cart. (yes, I am keeping the whole family involved) We head to the check out. Subtotal before coupons - $76.80 - coupons added - Grand Total - $16.02 -- CVS dollars printed out on my receipt - $4.00 off diapers/$5 off next purchase (not including scripts)/bogo on Hershey's candy/bogo on Godiva
Not to shabby!!
Next stop - Super WalMart - Shopping list, coupons, etc in hand, Family in tow -- this, that and the other thing - including things like greek yogurt, baby yogurt, juices, milk, organic eggs, organic beef, toilet paper, laundry and dish liquid, fabric softner, etc. (no veggies because their veggies are horrible - we go to the real grocery/farmers market for those) -- Subtotal - $128.42 - Grand total - $32.68
More randomness - We had a children's clothing swap this morning. 22 ppl showed up bringing TONS of kids clothes, swapping and good conversation. We are planning one for the fall too and I think we will make the Spring one the w/e before Earth Day every year. I think we would get more publicity.
All clothes not swapped were donated to a local homeless shelter.
It was a WONDERFUL day!!!
Today, with husband and baby in tow, armed with internet coupons, some store coupons and a couple of sales fliers I began my mission. Starting off small, not thinking I would get *amazing* results, but good results we headed to CVS to pick up some needed items.
**Note - I KNOW I am not saving money if I am buying things that I do not need - so my mission is to stick to paying for the needed items and get the luxuries for freebies (or next to nothing)**
Around the store we go, shopping list in hand, putting things in the cart - giving monkey things to hold, Ken keeping the coupons of things we have added to the cart. (yes, I am keeping the whole family involved) We head to the check out. Subtotal before coupons - $76.80 - coupons added - Grand Total - $16.02 -- CVS dollars printed out on my receipt - $4.00 off diapers/$5 off next purchase (not including scripts)/bogo on Hershey's candy/bogo on Godiva
Not to shabby!!
Next stop - Super WalMart - Shopping list, coupons, etc in hand, Family in tow -- this, that and the other thing - including things like greek yogurt, baby yogurt, juices, milk, organic eggs, organic beef, toilet paper, laundry and dish liquid, fabric softner, etc. (no veggies because their veggies are horrible - we go to the real grocery/farmers market for those) -- Subtotal - $128.42 - Grand total - $32.68
More randomness - We had a children's clothing swap this morning. 22 ppl showed up bringing TONS of kids clothes, swapping and good conversation. We are planning one for the fall too and I think we will make the Spring one the w/e before Earth Day every year. I think we would get more publicity.
All clothes not swapped were donated to a local homeless shelter.
It was a WONDERFUL day!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
HAPPY EARTH DAY!! Changes and more....
Happy Earth Day!, Everybody!!!
This is a really cool website --
Is there anything that you do on a regular basis to make changes in your life? Gardening is great, yes!! But what else do you do?
In our house we are making small changes -- Ken grew up in NYC. So I think there is an "everything is disposable" mentality. He is QUICK to catch onto the changes tho.
Here are a few things we do and are getting into the habit of doing.
**Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth.
**Don't leave the water running while you are washing dishes
**Use cloth napkins as often as possible
**Use dishtowels as much as possible instead of paper towels
**Use reusable bags at the grocery
**We don't just "go for rides" anymore - we always run several errands if we go out
**Owning 1 car and making it work
**I do not buy "things" anymore unless they are at least 75% off - things like clothes I buy at thrift shops, appliance type things come from freecycle or craigslist, groceries are bought with coupons, LOTS of coupons
**I make things like curtains out of recycled fabrics
**This summer we will have a BIG garden
**We are going to go in with friends and buy a cow/pig to be butchered
I am even in the process of talking to someone about bartering cooking for a barn roof repair.
These are just a few of the changes we are trying to make. Hopefully you are making some too!!
Keb, Lilly and Ken
This is a really cool website --
Is there anything that you do on a regular basis to make changes in your life? Gardening is great, yes!! But what else do you do?
In our house we are making small changes -- Ken grew up in NYC. So I think there is an "everything is disposable" mentality. He is QUICK to catch onto the changes tho.
Here are a few things we do and are getting into the habit of doing.
**Don't leave the water running when you brush your teeth.
**Don't leave the water running while you are washing dishes
**Use cloth napkins as often as possible
**Use dishtowels as much as possible instead of paper towels
**Use reusable bags at the grocery
**We don't just "go for rides" anymore - we always run several errands if we go out
**Owning 1 car and making it work
**I do not buy "things" anymore unless they are at least 75% off - things like clothes I buy at thrift shops, appliance type things come from freecycle or craigslist, groceries are bought with coupons, LOTS of coupons
**I make things like curtains out of recycled fabrics
**This summer we will have a BIG garden
**We are going to go in with friends and buy a cow/pig to be butchered
I am even in the process of talking to someone about bartering cooking for a barn roof repair.
These are just a few of the changes we are trying to make. Hopefully you are making some too!!
Keb, Lilly and Ken
Sunday, March 28, 2010
WOW, What a weekend! Our baby girl turned TWO!

Not knowing how to do anything small or quietly we closed the House of Bounce for 2 hours and had her party there. It was FANTASTIC! We invited everyone we knew - All of the kids from the sitter's, kids from soccer (yes, she goes to soccer - TOO CUTE for words!), our friends and friends of theirs, And basically everyone that we know, once knew, or wanted to be friends with! We had about 25 kids and 20 adults. We did pizza, cupcakes, salad and pasta salad -- We had a VERY cute barnyard theme.
For favors we had peat pots with dirt, bean seeds, crayons with a barn yard coloring sheet all wrapped and tied.
There were giant farm animal balloons, regular balloons - One of my dearest friends came over and told me that he knew it wasn't present time yet - But this present was for the party so, of course, we let Lilly open it first -- and it was -- BALLOON ANIMALS!! Who knew Alan had this secret talent!! Talk about being the hit of the party! Then my friend Steph stepped up and started making balloon puppies. Then another friend John hopped in and started making these AMAZING things and put together CINDERELLA for Lilly. She was even holding a pumpkin - the balloon Cinderella, not Lilly.
And the cake was not a cake but CUPCAKES!!! With farm animal cookies on top.
Wow, wow, wow!!

The party was so busy that we did not even do presents at the party - Do you know how many presents 50 people bring? a LOT! It was a complete embarrassment of riches. We will be going through her older toys to pick out things to donate. 2 of our best friends came back to the house with their kids to help us open gifts. The kids had a wonderful time ripping paper and fighting over things. Lots of pics were taken of this too!;)
It was a wonderful day! Today is our friend Dan's birthday. We are going over there this evening for a party. I am making the cupcakes for this party -- They will not be NEARLY as fancy, I assure you!*LOL*

What a great end to a great weekend!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Holy Moses!!!
Today was chocked full of busyness and goodness!!
Had a Drs. appt in Ithaca, the monkey and I took off for parts known. First took Daddy to work and off to the dump! (my favorite shopping place!) -- Got loads of treasures, including a horrific 80's chandelier that I can not wait to turn into an amazing candleir!! The we drove down the lake and stopped at the Sally on the way -- got some TRES FABU treasures to re/up-cycle. They are going to be SMOKING HOT! once they get the Just Junque treatment! Had a brief snafu with the Ithaca police. The office was a treasure....He even let me follow him to the DMV instead of stranding Monkey and I in the rain with no car. Once that was settled, I got to my Dr's appt and back home we came -- Somewhere along the way there were at least 4 cups of coffee.
Once we got home - I made some homemade gingerale
4 cups of water
4 cups of sugar (or Splenda)
2 cups sliced peeled ginger
Club Soda
Lime wedges
Boil water, sugar, ginger for 8 minutes and let cool to room temperature (2ish hrs) - strain through fine sieve. Can be stored in fridge up to a month.
To make gingerale - Fill glass with ice - pour 1/4 cup of ginger simple syrup into glass, fill with club soda, squeeze lime and ENJOY!
Did a little house work, off to pick up Daddy, home to make dinner, played, put Monkey to bed, cleaned up a little --
Then spent the whole night putting things up on Art Fire ( and Ebay - JustJunque09. worked on my brochures & business cards and applications to juried art shows.
It is 12:30 am and I am about beat!
Had a Drs. appt in Ithaca, the monkey and I took off for parts known. First took Daddy to work and off to the dump! (my favorite shopping place!) -- Got loads of treasures, including a horrific 80's chandelier that I can not wait to turn into an amazing candleir!! The we drove down the lake and stopped at the Sally on the way -- got some TRES FABU treasures to re/up-cycle. They are going to be SMOKING HOT! once they get the Just Junque treatment! Had a brief snafu with the Ithaca police. The office was a treasure....He even let me follow him to the DMV instead of stranding Monkey and I in the rain with no car. Once that was settled, I got to my Dr's appt and back home we came -- Somewhere along the way there were at least 4 cups of coffee.
Once we got home - I made some homemade gingerale
4 cups of water
4 cups of sugar (or Splenda)
2 cups sliced peeled ginger
Club Soda
Lime wedges
Boil water, sugar, ginger for 8 minutes and let cool to room temperature (2ish hrs) - strain through fine sieve. Can be stored in fridge up to a month.
To make gingerale - Fill glass with ice - pour 1/4 cup of ginger simple syrup into glass, fill with club soda, squeeze lime and ENJOY!
Did a little house work, off to pick up Daddy, home to make dinner, played, put Monkey to bed, cleaned up a little --
Then spent the whole night putting things up on Art Fire ( and Ebay - JustJunque09. worked on my brochures & business cards and applications to juried art shows.
It is 12:30 am and I am about beat!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wii Fit and Today
LOVING MINE!! The weather still isn't so we can go out and play or work out in the yard. Too muddy and wet from the 6 feet of snow that melted.
The windows are open to air the Winter out of the . The baby is down for her nap. Coffee is on. My water bottle was filled. Paints, glass and everything else is on the dining room table all set up for my paint time after my shower. I cleaned the house yesterday, so it is all pretty and clean. Candles are burning making it smell even yummier!
So back to the Wii Fit! - Unpacked it, got everything set up, put on my yoga pants and t-shirt, and ready to go. Thirty minutes later, I am a little winded, a little sweaty and E N E R G I Z E D!!! What an awesome workout and it fit right into my morning. Once in the morning and once at night to start.
Have a happy day!
The windows are open to air the Winter out of the . The baby is down for her nap. Coffee is on. My water bottle was filled. Paints, glass and everything else is on the dining room table all set up for my paint time after my shower. I cleaned the house yesterday, so it is all pretty and clean. Candles are burning making it smell even yummier!
So back to the Wii Fit! - Unpacked it, got everything set up, put on my yoga pants and t-shirt, and ready to go. Thirty minutes later, I am a little winded, a little sweaty and E N E R G I Z E D!!! What an awesome workout and it fit right into my morning. Once in the morning and once at night to start.
Have a happy day!
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