Not knowing how to do anything small or quietly we closed the House of Bounce for 2 hours and had her party there. It was FANTASTIC! We invited everyone we knew - All of the kids from the sitter's, kids from soccer (yes, she goes to soccer - TOO CUTE for words!), our friends and friends of theirs, And basically everyone that we know, once knew, or wanted to be friends with! We had about 25 kids and 20 adults. We did pizza, cupcakes, salad and pasta salad -- We had a VERY cute barnyard theme.
For favors we had peat pots with dirt, bean seeds, crayons with a barn yard coloring sheet all wrapped and tied.
There were giant farm animal balloons, regular balloons - One of my dearest friends came over and told me that he knew it wasn't present time yet - But this present was for the party so, of course, we let Lilly open it first -- and it was -- BALLOON ANIMALS!! Who knew Alan had this secret talent!! Talk about being the hit of the party! Then my friend Steph stepped up and started making balloon puppies. Then another friend John hopped in and started making these AMAZING things and put together CINDERELLA for Lilly. She was even holding a pumpkin - the balloon Cinderella, not Lilly.
And the cake was not a cake but CUPCAKES!!! With farm animal cookies on top.
Wow, wow, wow!!

The party was so busy that we did not even do presents at the party - Do you know how many presents 50 people bring? a LOT! It was a complete embarrassment of riches. We will be going through her older toys to pick out things to donate. 2 of our best friends came back to the house with their kids to help us open gifts. The kids had a wonderful time ripping paper and fighting over things. Lots of pics were taken of this too!;)
It was a wonderful day! Today is our friend Dan's birthday. We are going over there this evening for a party. I am making the cupcakes for this party -- They will not be NEARLY as fancy, I assure you!*LOL*

What a great end to a great weekend!